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New Zealand Native Trees
Evergreen Exotic Trees
Deciduous Trees
The Character Olive Range
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New Zealand Native Trees
New Zealand’s very own. Black Bridge Nurseries has long been associated with an extensive range of New Zealand’s native flora. Whether you are needing a large Puriri tree to grace your lawn and draw the fat native pigeons or a ‘street lot’ of Pohutakawa ‘Maori Princess’ or ‘Maungapiko’ for a subdivision planting, there is a good chance that Black Bridge will have just what you are looking for. Our tree fern range is also growing and we can supply large Mamaku ‘Black Punga’ and Dicksonia’s that will finish a native planting perfectly. If we have not listed the species you are after, give us a call anyway, with 60,000 plus trees there’s a good chance we may just have your need tucked away somewhere.
Hedging Plants
Hedges are an ideal way of creating privacy, shelter or small boundaries with the added bonus some plants produce flowers. With a little care and attention you can create a barrier far more beautiful than concrete, tin or wood!
Evergreen Exotic Trees
From the Majestic Norfolk Pines, to stately Cupressus totem and broadleaved flowering Magnolias and Camellias, exotic evergreen trees have helped enhance New Zealand’s landscape for generations. Who can imagine Marine Parade Napier without it’s Norfolk Pines or Cornwall Park Auckland without the Giant Butress roots of the Morton Bay Fig. Equally many gardens would not be complete without the winter flowering Camellias or distinctive Conifers to complete the look. Planted in sympathy with native trees, and the environment exotic evergreens can take your landscape to a new level. We have a huge and ever expanding range available including lines for hedging and pleaching and many unusual species for stand alone specimens or to create interest.
Deciduous trees
Who hasn’t fallen in love with a large old oak tree or admired the colours of autumn. New Zealand’s love affair with the European, Asian and American exotics is reflected in the huge range of deciduous trees on offer at Black Bridge Nurseries. We stock large numbers of many species so that the drive, street or boundary you wish to line can have an instant uniform look. Smaller numbers of some of the less known ornamental species are also stocked for the smaller court yard or for where you want to ‘make a show’. With deciduous hedging becoming an attractive screening alternative we are well placed to help with large lines of Carpinus and Fagus being grown for the very purpose. Call us today to discuss your needs with our experienced team or to offer your thoughts on the species that we should try, your feedback is valued, we look forward to hearing from you.
Bird Feeding Trees
Bird Feeding Trees Want to bring the birds back into your garden? Weather its for nectar, seeds or fruit, these trees will provide food for all manner of birdlife.
Character Olive Trees
Character Olive Trees
Character Trees
Character Trees Our Character Trees have their own depth of character which is displayed through their maturity and solidity and absolute magnificence. They have an integral beauty within them that is only developed with the irreplaceable factor of time. These trees are our most distinguished and favourite, which we are delighted to be able to make available for the NZ landscaping market. Most of our trees are unique one-offs and every tree is very individual, so our nursery stock is constantly changing. The selection of trees shown here is just a few of the distinctive trees that we offer and it is not a representation of what we currently have in stock. Please contact Jon to enquire about availability, size details, and pricing: or 0212802875.
Citrus Trees
Citrus Trees Citrus fruit trees have become a must have for any garden. Generally they are prolific fruiters and so require an annual feeding to keep vigor, health and maintain fruiting. Easily trimmed to shape as well!
Coastal Trees
Coastal Trees Some trees don’t mind being by the sea. This selection are useful if they’re going to be effected by salt air.
Dry Tolerant Trees
Dry Tolerant Trees Some spaces are just going to dry out more than others. These trees, once they’re established, will tolerate dry areas better than most. This does not mean they can go without water forever!
Exotic Trees
Exotic Trees Our Exotic Trees originate from anywhere to everywhere, bringing the colour & culture of its region right to our backyards. The brilliant autumn displays of the Japanese maples, the luscious vivid greens of the Tropical Regions, and the sophisticated silvery hues of the Italian Olives, just to mention a few. Most of our trees are unique one-offs and every tree is very individual, so our nursery stock is constantly changing. The selection of trees shown here is just a few of the distinctive trees that we offer and it is not a representation of what we currently have in stock. Please contact Jon to enquire about availability, size details, and pricing: or 0212802875.
Flowering Trees
Flowering Trees Few things transform a landscape like a tree in full bloom, from the bold and dramatic Magnolias and Rhododendrons to the subtle, dainty Pea-shaped flowers of the Cercis family all add a seasonal lift to the garden. Black Bridge Nurseries stock a huge and diverse range of flowering trees suitable for every purpose. “Say it with flowers”.
Fragrant Flowering Trees
Fragrant Flowering Trees Taking flowers to a new level… Flowers with fragrance! Nothing lifts the spirits or brings back memories faster than the smell or your favorite flowers. All of these trees either have wonderful fragrances when close by or to fill your yard.
Fruit Trees
Fruit Trees Over the past few years fruit tree popularity has grown dramatically! We now have an “orchard” of larger grade fruiting trees available for sale most of them on a medium growing rootstock, ideal for smaller back yards.
Narrow Space Trees
Narrow Space Trees This group of trees are space savers. For city dwellers, the days of the quarter acre section with large shade trees and open spaces are fast becoming a dream as building spaces become more cramped. Space is now a premium, so land is either sub divided, sold in smaller sections or utilised for apartment blocks. Trees are ideal to soften the hard lines of concrete and glass and add a pleasing atmosphere. This calls for a specialised tree often with the surname “fastigiata”. It’s a Latin name meaning “Upright” and they grow as their name states in a more upright, generally narrow compact fashion. Ideal for this limited space environment.
Shade Tolerant Trees
Shade Tolerant Trees Shady areas do unusual things to the way trees grow. They will stretch toward the light creating a long lanky plant. These trees can tolerate shade and still do well. Most of the New Zealand Native Trees generally start life in the shade of the forest and reach up toward the light.
Shelter Belt Trees
Shelter Belt Trees If you’re looking for something a little more substantial than just a hedge, shelter belt trees are probably what you’re looking for. Shelterbelts are normally going to reach 3m and above. In some cases they may well be left untrimmed to create an informal barrier or may be trimmed to give a more formal look. These ones are going to get big.
Sheltered Position Trees
Sheltered Position Trees Some trees just do a whole lot better when they’re sheltered from tough conditions, especially wind. This group will give a better show of leaves or flowers if given a bit of protection from harsh elements.
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Small Garden Trees
Small Garden Trees As our cities grow bigger our yards become smaller. These trees are ideal for the smaller gardens.
Wet Soil Tolerant Trees
Wet Soil Tolerant Trees These trees will generally tolerate wet feet where others would drown. Ideal for swampy or boggy areas.
Wind Tolerant Trees
Wind Tolerant Trees Some trees cope with wind better because they normally have a soft down underneath the leaf to protect the breathing stomata or a tough cuticle on top giving the leaf a shiny appearance. These help prevent the leaves from drying out (burning) and stressing the tree. In windy areas its also a good idea to stake new trees, to give the root zone time to secure itself into the surrounding soil.
Agathis australis
Agathis australis quantity
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