Trees: NZ Large Grade & Specimen Varieties
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- Description
From Kermadec Is. group this Nikau has broader fronds with each leaflet slightly spaced apart. It is also more tolerant to exposed conditions than the NZ Nikau. After some years a trunk forms which is scarred with rings from old fallen leaves. Prefers a shady position when young but will tolerate full sun, wind and coastal conditions. Prefers a cool root run. An excellent garden specimen or potted plant. Slow growing. Height x Width 10 Height Range Medium 5-10m Growth Rate Moderate Plant Type Palm Shape Palm Country of Origin New Zealand Similar to Consider Sapida, Pittii - Leaf
Leaf Colour Dark Green - Flower
Flower Colour White, very small Fragrant? No - Uses
Specimen Yes Accent Yes Bird Feeding Yes Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control. -
- Description
Nikau from the Southern Chatham Islands. They differ from the mainland species with longer fronds, wider leaflets, a silvery hue to them stems and larger fruit. Will tolerate full sun, high wind, cold and coastal conditions. Generally, a much tidier variety. Height x Width 10 Height Range Medium 5-10m Growth Rate Slow Plant Type Palm Shape Palm Country of Origin New Zealand Similar to Consider Sapida, Cheesemanii - Leaf
Leaf Colour Dark Green - Flower
Flower Colour White, very small Fragrant? No - Uses
Specimen Yes Accent Yes Bird Feeding Yes Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control. -
- Description
New Zealand’s only native palm is elegant and graceful with straight slender smooth stems crowned with fan-like rich green leaves up to 3m long. After some years a trunk forms which is scarred with rings from old fallen leaves. Prefers a cool root run. Prefers a shady position when young. At maturity will tolerate full sun, wind and coastal conditions. An excellent garden specimen or potted plant. Slow growing. Over many years can reach 10m. Plant Type Palm Shape Palm Country of Origin New Zealand Similar to Consider Pittii, Cheesemanii - Leaf
Leaf Colour Dark Green - Flower
Flower Colour White, very small Fragrant? No - Uses
Specimen Yes Accent Yes Bird Feeding Yes Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control. -
- Description
One of the most brilliant yellow foliaged trees. Golden yellow foliage from spring to autumn. Pea shaped creamy white flowers in spring. Spectacular small tree suitable for small gardens. Hardy. Deciduous. Height x Width 7 x 4 Height Range Medium 5-10m Growth Rate Fast Plant Type Tree Shape Conical Deciduous / Evergreen Deciduous Country of Origin North America Similar to Consider Ginkgo, Gleditsia Sunburst, Acer Kellys Gold, Robinia Freesia, - Leaf
Leaf Colour Yellow Deciduous Leaf Colour Yellow - Flower
Flower Colour Cream Fragrant? No - Uses
Specimen Yes Good Shade Tree? Yes Accent Yes Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control. -
- Description
The coastal kowhai is distinguished from all other Kowhai species by the absence of a divaricating juvenile stage. Leaves are slightly larger than microphylla. Primarily a species of the coastal forest, often on cliff faces or banks overlooking estuarine rivers or inlets. This species was once included as Sophora microphylla. Yellow flowers from late winter to spring. Height x Width 6 x 4m Height Range Medium 5-10m Growth Rate Moderate Plant Type Tree Shape Spreading Country of Origin New Zealand Similar to Consider S. Microphylla, S.Tetraptera - Leaf
Leaf Colour Green - Flower
Flower Colour Yellow Fragrant? No - Uses
Specimen Yes Good Shade Tree? Yes Bird Feeding Yes Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control. -
- Description
Widespread NZ native species. Small green pinnate leaflets. Golden-yellow, tubular 45mm flowers in pendulous racemes, en-masse during spring. Attracts native birds. Excellent small garden specimen. Height x Width 5.0 x 2.5 Height Range Small 1-5m Growth Rate Moderate Plant Type Tree Shape Round Country of Origin New Zealand Similar to Consider Sophora Dragons Gold, Chathamica, Tetraptera - Leaf
Leaf Colour Green - Flower
Flower Colour Yellow Fragrant? No - Uses
Accent Yes Bird Feeding Yes Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control. -
- Description
Excellent compact bushy cultivar with pinnate fine textured bright green leaves. Showy lemon-yellow flowers in clustered racemes winter-early summer. Full sun or part shade. Free draining moisture retentive soil. Shelter from cold winds. Height x Width 2.5 x 2.5 Height Range Small 1-5m Growth Rate Moderate Plant Type Shrub Shape Round Country of Origin New Zealand Similar to Consider Sophora Microphylla, Chathamica, - Leaf
Leaf Colour Green - Flower
Flower Colour Yellow Fragrant? No - Uses
Accent Yes Hedging Yes Bird Feeding Yes Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control. -
- Description
Slightly larger growing tree than S. microphylla with weeping branches. Larger leaves than microphylla at 8-16cm. Does not have the tangled juvenile growth. Golden yellow flowers in spring in racemes commence earlier than Microphylla. A more open airy habit. A spectacular sight in full bloom. Attracts native birds. Height x Width 7 x 4 Range Medium 5-10m Growth Rate Moderate Plant Type Tree Shape Spreading Country of Origin New Zealand Similar to Consider Sophora Microphylla, Chathamica - Leaf
Leaf Colour Green - Flower
Flower Colour Yellow Fragrant? No - Uses
Specimen Yes Good Shade Tree? Yes Accent Yes Bird Feeding Yes Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control. -
- Description
Grown more for the dramatic size and tropical look of the banana style leaves. Flowers during summer, are an almost black colour with white with light blue petals. Forms a huge clump. Height x Width 6 x 3 Height Range Medium 5-10m Growth Rate Fast Plant Type Succulent Shape Country of Origin Africa Similar to Consider Reginae - Leaf
Leaf Colour Green - Flower
Flower Colour Black Fragrant? No - Uses
Accent Yes Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control. -
- Description
Forms large greyish green leaves. Flowers held on long stems are made up of orange, purple and white. The interesting structure resembles colourful tropical birds. Valuable for garden display and indoor decoration. Height x Width 1.5 x 1.5 Height Range Small 1-5m Growth Rate Slow Plant Type Succulent Shape Country of Origin South Africa Similar to Consider Nicholii - Leaf
Leaf Colour Green - Flower
Flower Colour Orange Fragrant? No - Uses
Accent Yes Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control. -
- Description
At last a Lilly Pilly that is highly psyllid resistant! A superior cultivar of Syzygium Australe, more commonly known as a Lilly Pilly. This unique variety is new to the NZ market and is solely available through Black Bridge Nurseries and Boulevard and Boutique. Selected propagation has improved this variety of Lilly Pilly making it resistant to the very problematic psyllid insect and the damage it causes. Its also faster growing, has a stronger, straighter central leader and an improved root system. We’ve also found it to be good in shady areas as well. Excellent for screening, hedging and shaping. See also "Eugenia ventinatii" to see how Syzygium resilience could be used as a hedge Height x Width 7 x 3 Height Range Medium 5-10m Growth Rate Moderate Plant Type Shrub Shape Narrow Country of Origin Australia Similar to Consider Michelia Figo, Camellias, Pittosporums, Corokia, Griselinia, Ficus, Ilex largo, Olea El Greco, Eugenia Ventinatii - Leaf
Leaf Colour Green and red - Flower
Flower Colour White Fragrant? No - Uses
Screening / Shelter Yes Hedging Yes Bird Feeding Yes Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control. -
- Description
Forms a large tree with fibrous, reddish-brown bark. Young growth soft green changing to brownish green to rich golden brown before falling. Tolerant of wet feet. Good for planting by streams, ponds and in wet areas. Height x Width 20 x 10 Height Range Tall 10+m Growth Rate Fast Plant Type Tree Shape Round Country of Origin United States Similar to Consider Quercus Palustris, Dacrycarpus dacrydoidies, Nyssa sylvatica - Leaf
Leaf Colour Green Deciduous Leaf Colour Orange and Gold - Flower
Flower Nil - Uses
Good Shade Tree? Yes Accent Yes Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.