Blackbridge Nurseries
    • Description
    Hardy coastal large shrub or small tree. Leathery dark green leaves felted underneath. Flowers dark crimson to purple. Prefers full sun in free draining soil but will also tolerate dry soil once established. Easily trims to make a very good hedge or can be allowed to grow to a hardy screen.  Windy conditions and coastal exposure OK.
    Height x Width 6 x 4
    Range Medium 5-10m
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Round
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Syzygium resilience, Michelia Figo, Camellias, Corokia, Griselinia, Ficus, Ilex largo, Olea El Greco, Eugenia Ventinatii
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Purple
    Fragrant? No
    • Uses
    Screening / Shelter Yes
    Hedging Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
    Fruit Producing No
       Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    A fast-growing bushy native tree. Leaves larger than other pittosporums and has lemon scent when crushed. It has highly fragrant clusters of small attractive yellow-cream flowers in spring, followed by distinctive black seed capsules. Best in full sun. Will tolerate damp soils and moderately windy conditions. Ideal as a large screen or hedge as responds very well to trimming.
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Pyramidical
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Other Pittosporums, Planchonella costata, Myrsine salicina
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green Lime
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Yellow - small
    Fragrant? Yes
    • Uses
    Screening / Shelter Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
    Hedging Yes
       Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    Tenufolium type:  Compact bushy small tree with an excellent rounded habit. Leaves lettuce green small and fresh-looking. Small purple flowers are fragrant in the stillness or morning or evening. Full sun dry tolerant once established. Trims well so ideal as a hedge planted in rows or individually as a specimen.
    Height x Width 3 x 3
    Range Small 1-5m
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Round
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Other Pittosporums
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green Lime
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Red Purple
    Fragrant? No
    • Uses
    Screening / Shelter Yes
    Hedging Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
       Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    This plant has a tidy habit with and upright medium form. The foliage is smooth with a slight grey/green appearance and attractive pointed leaves. Compact and useful for hedging and screening. Small purple fragrant flowers. Good for coastal conditions being from the windy Stephen’s Island in the middle of the Cook Strait. Responds very well to trimming.
    Height x Width 4 x 2
    Height Range Small 1-5m
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Plant Type Shrub
    Shape Round
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Other Pittosporums
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Dark Green
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Purple
    Fragrant? Yes
    • Uses
    Screening / Shelter Yes
    Hedging Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
       Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    A dwarf species of Pittosporum with fresh green leaves growing into a natural ball shape. Ideal clipped as a small border hedge, container plant, topiary or as an accent amongst other smaller growing plants.
    Height x Width 1 x 1
    Height Range Small 1-5m
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Plant Type Shrub
    Shape Round
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Michelia figo, Buxus, Corokia,
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green Lime
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Purple
    Fragrant? Yes
    • Uses
    Accent Yes
    Hedging Yes
       Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    The parent plant of many cultivars which have been produced from the variations of seed grown plants. A fast growing, slender tree with erect narrow pyramidal form. Full sun dry tolerant once established. Easily trimmed to shape so ideal as a hedge or screen.  Sweetly scented small purple flowers in Spring.
    Height x Width 5 x 3
    Height Range Medium 5-10m
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape / Habit Round
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Other Pittosporums
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Purple
    Fragrant? Yes
    • Uses
    Good Shade Tree? Yes
    Screening / Shelter Yes
    Hedging Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
     Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    A graceful small to medium tree with weeping branches covered in small toothed leaves. Flowers are small but seen en masse they give the tree an attractive yellow green appearance. Excellent in narrow places where space is limited. Endemic to New Zealand.
    Height x Width 6 x 3
    Height Range Medium 5-10m
    Growth Rate Fast
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Narrow
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Betula, Knightia excelsa, Carpinus bet fastigiata, Quercus robur fastigiata, Cupressus totem, Liriodendron fastigiata
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Yellow
    Fragrant? No
    • Uses
    Accent Yes
       Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    A small growing coastal tree with glossy dark green leaves. Small delicate light green flowers followed by 25mm green fruit changing to purple-black when ripe which wood pigeon love. Can be trimmed to keep shape and bushiness.
    Height x Width 6 x 3
    Range Medium 5-10m
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Round
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Myrsine salicina, Dodonea Viscosa and Purp, Alectryon excelsa, Vitex Lucens, Dysoxylum Spectabile,
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Light green - small
    Fragrant? No
    • Uses
    Screening / Shelter Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
     Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    Grows rapidly forms an immense rounded head of branches if pruned. Large leaves deeply cut into three or more. Bark flakes in patches on older branches leaving a dappled surface. Stands most soils. Ideal for parks and avenues. Deciduous.
    Height x Width 10 x 5
    Height Range Tall 10m+
    Growth Rate Fast
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Round
    Country of Origin Southeast Europe
    Similar to Consider Platanus acerifolia, Liriodendron Tulipefera, Liquidambars, Acer rubrums
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    Deciduous Leaf Colour Golden
    • Flower
    Flower Insignificant
    • Uses
    Specimen Yes
    Good Shade Tree? Yes
       Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    Grows rapidly to form a large round headed tree. Specially selected for the beauty and intensity of gold and autumn colours. Leaves are long and thin deeply cut into three or more. Bark flakes in patches on older branches leaving a dappled surface. Ideal for parks and avenues. Will grow in a range of soil types. Duncan and Davies NZ origin. Grows to apx 9 x 5m
    Height x Width 9 x 5
    Height Range Medium 5-10m
    Growth Rate Fast
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Round
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Platanus acerifolia, Liriodendron Tulipefera, Liquidambars, Acer rubrums
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    Deciduous Leaf Colour Gold
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Insignificant
    Soil Conditions
    Tolerates Dry Yes once established
    • Uses
    Specimen Yes
    Good Shade Tree? Yes
      Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    Grows rapidly to form a very large round headed tree with clean smooth mottled cream and coloured bark. Maple-like palmate leaves 20-25cm deep green & glossy. Tolerates most soils and stands up to a polluted atmosphere. Suits parks, larger areas and good shade trees on farms.
    Height x Width 20 x 7
    Height Range Tall 10+
    Growth Rate Fast
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Round
    Country of Origin England
    Similar to Consider Liriodendron Tulipefera, Liquidambars, Acer rubrums
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    Deciduous Leaf Colour Golden
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Insignificant
    • Uses
    Specimen Yes
    Good Shade Tree? Yes
      Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
  • Its thought Plums may have been one of the first fruits domesticated by humans. They are generally a small to medium deciduous TREE with glossy green LEAVES and white FLOWERS in spring. They are one of the best stone fruits to grow in a home garden as prolific crops of very good quality fruit can be produced with very little work. The FRUIT is firm and juicy with a hard stone in the centre and can range from sweet to tart.  Skin is smooth, with a natural waxy surface and are generally various shades of red although there are green and yellow types as well. Some are self-fertile or partially self-fertile but most are planted with a pollinator to ensure good fruit production. HARVEST: December to March Make enquiries as to which varieties we have available now or see our online catalogue.
    • Description
    An attractive elegant tree with deep green, thick glossy, long needle-like Totara leaves on slender willowy branches. Has a very soft appearance. Excellent street or specimen tree. Can also be trimmed as a hedge or shelter or pleached.
    Height x Width 7 x 5
    Height Range Medium 5-10m
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Round
    Country of Origin East Africa
    Similar to Consider Podocarpus Totara, Podocarpus Totara Black Bridge, Manii, Macrophylla
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Insignificant
    • Uses
    Specimen Yes
    Accent Yes
    Screening / Shelter Yes
     Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    Hardy slow growing form with dull bronzy green stiff narrow leaves to 25mm with a sharp point. Stout trunk with rough reddish-brown bark. Once established will withstand drought. Excellent specimen tree or can be used for screening or trimmed into hedging.
    Height x Width 15 x 8
    Height Range Tall 10m+
    Growth Rate Slow
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Round
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Matapouri Blue, Green Form
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Brown Green
    • Flower
    Flower Insignificant
    • Uses
    Specimen Yes
    Accent Yes
    Screening / Shelter Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
      Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    A more upright, very bushy growing variety of our NZ Totara. Strong, slow growing, bushy from an early age, ideal for hedging or where space is more limited. Grows to Apx 8m
    Height x Width 8 x 3m
    Height Range Medium 5-10m
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape / Habit Upright, Bushy
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Totara, Matapouri Blue, Podocarpus gracillis
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    • Flower
    Flower Insignificant
    • Uses
    Screening / Shelter Yes
    Hedging Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
     Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    Hybrid totara with deep green foliage. Resembles the more mature Totara even as a young tree.  Strong and sturdy even from a young age. Its slow growth makes it easy to manage in any sized garden. Excellent as a stand-alone tree or for hedging with its similar look to Yew.
    Height x Width 7 x 5
    Height Range Medium 5-10m
    Growth Rate Slow
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Conical
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Totara, Matapouri blue, Totara Black Bridge
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    Deciduous Leaf Colour
    • Flower
    Flower Insignificant
    • Uses
    Accent Yes
    Screening Yes
    Hedging Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
      Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    A brilliant compact selection of our native totara with small blue-grey foliage. Has a more upright pyramidical habit. Its slow growth makes it easy to manage in any sized garden. Excellent as a specimen tree or planted as a hedge.
    Height x Width 7 x 5
    Height Range Medium 5-10m
    Growth Rate Slow
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Conical
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Podocarpus Totara and Black Bridge. Podocarpus gracilis
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Glaucus Blue
    • Flower
    Flower Insignificant
    • Uses
    Specimen Yes
    Accent Yes
    Screening / Shelter Yes
    Hedging Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
     Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    A fast growing, narrowly columnar deciduous tree. Bright yellow autumn colour is stunning. Replaces the old rust susceptible Lombardy poplar. Excellent shelterbelt, screen or erosion control tree.
    Height x Width 20 x 3
    Height Range Tall 10+
    Growth Rate Fast
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Narrow
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Betula var.  Cupressus totem, Liriodendron tulipifera fastigiata, Olea El Greco, Knightia Excelsa, Acer Bowall, Poplar crow’s nest, Quercus robur fastigiata, Carpinus betulus fastigiata, Olea El Greco,
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    Deciduous Leaf Colour Yellow
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Insignificant
    • Uses
    Screening / Shelter Yes
      Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
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