Blackbridge Nurseries
    • Description
    Narrow and erect form of the English Oak. Becomes more pyramidal as the tree matures. Excellent for street and narrow planting areas. Tolerates clay soils. Hardy
    Height Width 8 x 3
    Range Medium 5-10m
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Narrow
    Country of Origin Europe
    Similar to Consider Betula var.  Cupressus totem, Liriodendron tulipifera fastigiata, Olea El Greco, Knightia Excelsa, Acer Bowall, Poplar crow’s nest, Carpinus betulus fastigiata
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    Deciduous Leaf Colour Golden
    • Flower
    Flower Insignificant
    • Uses
    Specimen Yes
    Accent Yes
    Screening / Shelter Yes
    Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    At last a Lilly Pilly that is highly psyllid resistant!  A superior cultivar of Syzygium Australe, more commonly known as a Lilly Pilly. This unique variety is new to the NZ market and is solely available through Black Bridge Nurseries and Boulevard and Boutique. Selected propagation has improved this variety of Lilly Pilly making it resistant to the very problematic psyllid insect and the damage it causes. Its also faster growing, has a stronger, straighter central leader and an improved root system. We’ve also found it to be good in shady areas as well. Excellent for screening, hedging and shaping. See also "Eugenia ventinatii" to see how Syzygium resilience could be used as a hedge
    Height x Width 7 x 3
    Height Range Medium 5-10m
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Plant Type Shrub
    Shape Narrow
    Country of Origin Australia
    Similar to Consider Michelia Figo, Camellias, Pittosporums, Corokia, Griselinia, Ficus, Ilex largo, Olea El Greco, Eugenia Ventinatii
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green and red
    • Flower
    Flower Colour White
    Fragrant? No
    • Uses
    Screening / Shelter Yes
    Hedging Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
     Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
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