Blackbridge Nurseries
    • Description
    A smaller growing, ornamental tree with long gracefully arching branches. In spring the whole tree becomes covered with bright pink buds opening to white to pale pink flowers. Yellow fruits flushed red soon follow which can be eaten but birds also enjoy.
    Height x Width 3 x 2.5m
    Height Range Small 1-5m
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape / Habit Conical
    Country of Origin Japan
    Similar to Consider Other Crab apples, Cercis Forest Pansy, Prunus Flowering Cherries
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    Deciduous Leaf Colour Yellow
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Pinks and Reds
    Fragrant? No
    • Uses
    Accent Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
    Fruit Producing Yes
    Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    A smaller vase shaped tree with bright green leaves. Very large, fragrant soft pink double flowers in spring.  Leaves turn orange-red in autumn. Very limited numbers yellow-green fruit which are not edible. Its all about the flowers!
    Height x Width 4 x 2
    Height Range Small
    Growth Rate Medium
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape / Habit Round
    Country of Origin United States
    Similar to Consider Other Crabapples, Prunus awanui
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    Deciduous Leaf Colour Orange and Red
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Soft Pink
    Fragrant? Yes
    • Uses
    Specimen Yes
    Accent Yes
     Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
  • The Mandarin is a small evergreen citrus TREE with shiny, green, and rather small LEAVES.  Over summer FLOWERS appear which are heavily perfumed.  FRUIT start to ripen over winter which are small and orange and have a robust sweet taste. Skin is normally thin.  Mandarins usually flourish in the smaller garden but can also be grown in a container on a sunny balcony or deck.  FEED your mandarin tree in spring and summer to encourage maximum fruiting and flowering. They normally smother themselves in fruit and is therefore well worth growing. Citrus are usually self-fertile.  HARVEST May to September. Make enquiries as to which varieties we have available now or see our online catalogue.
    • Description
    A smaller growing tree with smaller bright orange fruit. Classic mandarin flavour, which is robust, and sweet. Normally seedless but can produce pips if cross pollinated with other pipped citrus. HARVEST – JUN-AUG
    Height x Width 2 x 1.5
    Height Range Small 1-5m
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape / Habit Round
    Country of Origin Algeria, Northern Africa
    Similar to Consider Orange, Tangelo, Satsuma mandarin,
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Dark Green
    • Flower
    Flower Colour White
    Fragrant? Yes
    • Uses
    Fruit Producing Yes
     Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
  • A small, slow growing, hardy TREE with an open, almost weeping habit of growth with shiny, green, rather small LEAVES.. Fragrant white FLOWERS are followed by orange winter FRUIT that can be picked as soon as they colour. They are quite flat in shape with a thick, loose, very easily peeled skin. The flesh is light orange, juicy, seedless (unless cross-pollinated by neighbouring seedy citrus) with a sweet mild flavour. FEED your mandarin tree in spring and summer to encourage maximum fruiting and flowering. They normally smother themselves in fruit and is therefore well worth growing. Citrus are usually self-fertile.  HARVEST May to September. APX 2.5 - 3.0m tall. Make enquiries as to which varieties we have available now or see our online catalogue.
    • Description
    A smaller growing tree with huge handsome deep green shining leaves up to 50cm long and 20cm wide. Grows in average soil. Great for coastal gardens as it is both wind and salt tolerant. Good tropical filler in the back of a garden.
    Height x Width 5 x 3
    Height Range Small 1-5m
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Round
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Griselinia Lucida, Pseudopanax laetus
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Insignificant
    • Uses
    Accent Yes
     Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    Selected smaller growing compact bushy habit with smaller leaves compared to other Pohutukawa. Early flowering-bright orange/red flowers. Will tolerate very tough conditions including salt-laden wind, poor soil, dry and full sun. Excellent for smaller gardens and can easily be trimmed.
    Height x Width 4 x 2
    Height Range Small 1-5m
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Round
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Other Metrosideros
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Red
    Fragrant? No
    • Uses
    Specimen Yes
    Good Shade Tree? Yes
    Screening / Shelter Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
     Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    Small to medium sized tree with large leathery green leaves. Strongly scented creamy white flowers are produced in mass over a long succession during spring and summer. Grows in full sun or part shade in rich moisture retentive free-draining soil. An excellent specimen tree or shelter screen. Grows apx. 4 x 2m
    Height x Width 4 x 2
    Height Range Small 1-5m
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Round
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Michelia Mixed Up Miss, Maudiae, Doltsopa, Magnolia DD Blanchard, Magnolia Little Gem
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    • Flower
    Flower Colour White
    Fragrant? Yes
    • Uses
    Specimen Yes
    Accent Yes
    Screening / Shelter Yes
      Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    A small rounded shrub with fresh lime green foliage and small, heavily scented cream flowers streaked with purple. Sun to shade. The shrub assumes a looser more open form when grown in shade. Individuals grown in sunny situations tend to be more compact with denser foliage that is lighter and more yellow green. Prefers humus rich, well drained, slightly acidic soil. An excellent small hedge or stand alone specimen. Native to Western China.
    Height x Width 3 x 2.5
    Range Small 1-5m
    Growth Rate Slow
    Plant Type Shrub
    Shape Round
    Country of Origin Western China
    Similar to Consider Syzygium resilience, Camellias, Pittosporums, Corokia, Griselinia, Ficus, Ilex largo, Olea El Greco, Eugenia Ventinatii
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Cream and Purple
    Fragrant? Yes
    • Uses
    Hedging Yes
      Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    Grows as a small, rounded tree with olive green leaves with a brown under felt. In late winter early spring they produce small, round perfumed, cream flowers with prominent stamens which burst from furry brown buds. Protect from strong winds. Slow growing. Excellent trimmed as a hedge or makes a beautiful small growing specimen.
    Height x Width 4 x 3
    Height Range Small 1-5m
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape / Habit Round
    Country of Origin
    Similar to Consider Michelia Bubbles,
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Dark Green, brown under felt
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Cream
    Fragrant? Yes
    • Uses
    Specimen Yes
    Accent Yes
    Hedging Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
     Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    Forms an attractive, fresh-looking, small upright tree. Leaves are long, smooth, thick and leathery. In spring clusters of small cream to pale pink flowers followed by Red to Purple fruits, which attract birds. Trims well.
    Height x Width 6 x 3
    Height Range Medium 5-10m
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Narrow
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Planchonella costata, Dodonea Viscosa and Purp, Alectryon excelsa, Vitex Lucens, Dysoxylum Spectabile
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Pink
    Fragrant? No
    • Uses
    Bird Feeding Yes
     Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
  • A small to medium growing deciduous TREE native to North West China which are very closely related to the peach. Nectarines have arisen many times from peach trees, often as bud sports.  LEAVES  are green and turn shades of yellow and orange over autumn.  FLOWERS in spring are generally pink. Nectarines produce sweet, juicy FRUITS that can be white or yellow, and clingstone or freestone.  HARVEST is from Dec - March Make enquiries as to which varieties we have available now or see our online catalogue.
    • Description
    A compact Olive with smaller leaves giving a dense appearance. A consistent small fruiting variety with heavy crops. Has a good oil content and also used for pickling. Being from the Mediterranean olive trees require full sun and will tolerate wind coastal and can also survive extended dry periods. This variety especially good for hedging as it trims well into a dense hedge.
    Height x Width 4 x 2
    Range Small 1-5m
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Conical
    Country of Origin Greece
    Similar to Consider Syzygium resilience, Michelia Figo, Camellias, Pittosporums, Corokia, Griselinia, Ficus, Ilex largo, Eugenia Ventinatii
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Cream very small
    Fragrant? No
    • Uses
    Accent Yes
    Screening Yes
    Hedging Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
    Fruit Producing Yes but small
       Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
  • Sweet oranges were mentioned in Chinese literature in 314 BC. Orange TREES are of the most cultivated fruit tree in the world.  Deep green, their LEAVES can be boiled to make orange tea!  White, fragrant FLOWERS over summer are very fragrant. FRUIT is produced over winter are deep orange with good, juicy, sweet flavour. Can be eaten fresh, or processed for its juice or fragrant peel. FEED your Orange tree in spring and summer to encourage maximum fruiting and flowering. HARVEST  Jul - Sept. Grows to apx 4m tall.  The name sinensis means "from China" in Latin Make enquiries as to which varieties we have available now or see our online catalogue.
  • Peaches are a small to medium growing deciduous TREE native to North West China.  It belongs to the genus Prunus, which includes the cherry, apricot, almond, and plum, and the nectarine. LEAVES  are green and turn shades of yellow and orange over autumn.  FLOWERS in spring are generally pink.  Peaches produce sweet, juicy FRUITS that can be white or yellow, and clingstone or freestone. Harvest: Dec - March.  All varieties are self-fertile. Make enquiries as to which varieties we have available now or see our online catalogue.
  • European Pears provide some of the best fruit in the world. It is medium-sized, deciduous TREE native to coastal and mildly temperate regions of Europe, North Africa, and Asia. LEAVES long, glossy green. White FLOWERS appear in spring with HARVEST between Feb to May depending on variety.  They are one of the easiest and most traditional fruits for training into espalier form.  An excellent choice for the home garden. As most pears need cross pollination, the planting of more than one variety, or a double a grafted tree is recommended. HARVEST: EARLY = Feb – Mar. MID = March –April. LATE = April – May Make enquiries as to which varieties we have available now or see our online catalogue.
    • Description
    A hardy shrub or small tree with glossy, elliptic leaves to 10cm in length, bright red when young, later dark green that is valued for its bright red new growth. Clusters of small white flowers during summer will generally not appear on regularly trimmed plants. The regularly trimming will keep them to size and prevent the branches from getting too large. A yearly application of slow release fertilizer will help maintain their vigour and colour.
    Height x Width 5 x 3
    Height Range Medium 5-10m
    Growth Rate Fast
    Plant Type Shrub
    Shape Round
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Eugenia Ventinatii, Syzygium Resilience
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green Red
    • Flower
    Flower Colour White
    Fragrant? No
    • Uses
    Accent Yes
    Screening / Shelter Yes
    Hedging Yes
       Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    Hardy coastal large shrub or small tree. Leathery dark green leaves felted underneath. Flowers dark crimson to purple. Prefers full sun in free draining soil but will also tolerate dry soil once established. Easily trims to make a very good hedge or can be allowed to grow to a hardy screen.  Windy conditions and coastal exposure OK.
    Height x Width 6 x 4
    Range Medium 5-10m
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Round
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Syzygium resilience, Michelia Figo, Camellias, Corokia, Griselinia, Ficus, Ilex largo, Olea El Greco, Eugenia Ventinatii
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Purple
    Fragrant? No
    • Uses
    Screening / Shelter Yes
    Hedging Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
    Fruit Producing No
       Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    A fast-growing bushy native tree. Leaves larger than other pittosporums and has lemon scent when crushed. It has highly fragrant clusters of small attractive yellow-cream flowers in spring, followed by distinctive black seed capsules. Best in full sun. Will tolerate damp soils and moderately windy conditions. Ideal as a large screen or hedge as responds very well to trimming.
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Pyramidical
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Other Pittosporums, Planchonella costata, Myrsine salicina
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green Lime
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Yellow - small
    Fragrant? Yes
    • Uses
    Screening / Shelter Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
    Hedging Yes
       Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    Tenufolium type:  Compact bushy small tree with an excellent rounded habit. Leaves lettuce green small and fresh-looking. Small purple flowers are fragrant in the stillness or morning or evening. Full sun dry tolerant once established. Trims well so ideal as a hedge planted in rows or individually as a specimen.
    Height x Width 3 x 3
    Range Small 1-5m
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Round
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Other Pittosporums
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green Lime
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Red Purple
    Fragrant? No
    • Uses
    Screening / Shelter Yes
    Hedging Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
       Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
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