Blackbridge Nurseries

Shady areas do unusual things to the way trees grow. They will stretch toward the light creating a long lanky plant. These trees can tolerate shade and still do well. Most of the New Zealand Native Trees generally start life in the shade of the forest and reach up toward the light.

    • Description
    Pure white medium semi-double. Slight fragrance early season. Upright rounded form. Trims well so ideal for hedging and topiary. Plant in full sun or dappled shade in well drained acidic soil. Prune after flowering to maintain shape.
    Height x Width 2.5 x 2.0
    Height Range Small 1-5m
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Plant Type Shrub
    Shape / Habit Round
    Country of Origin China
    Similar to Consider Other Camellias, Laurus Nobilis, Prunus lusitanica, Michelia Figo, Syzygium resilience, Pittosporums, Corokia, Griselinia, Ficus, Ilex largo, Olea El Greco, Eugenia Ventinatii
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    • Flower
    Flower Colour White
    Fragrant? Yes
    • Uses
    Hedging Yes
    Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    Iconic New Zealand native fern and the inspiration of the national Emblem. A tree fern with green-stalked soft leaves to apx 4m long that are distinctly silver on the underside. Trunk can grow to 10m tall. Prefers a more sheltered position as they generally grow under larger native NZ Trees.
    Height x Width 8 x 3
    Height Range Medium 5-10m
    Growth Rate Slow
    Plant Type Palm
    Shape / Habit Palm
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Cyathea medularis, Dicksonia squarrosa, Dicksonia fibrosa
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Nil
    • Uses
    Specimen Yes
    Accent Yes
     Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    The tallest and most common of NZ’s tree ferns. Slender, black trunk to apx 15m with hexagonal patterns from old fronds, large crown of gracefully arching fronds up to 5m. Found primarily in sheltered coastal and lowland forest throughout much of the North Island. They will grow in full sun but still prefer to have a sheltered position with a cool moist root run.
    Height x Width 15 x 5
    Height Range Tall 10m+
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Plant Type Palm
    Shape / Habit Palm
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Cyathea dealbata, Dicksonia squarrosa, Dicksonia fibrosa
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Dark Green
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Nil
    • Uses
    Specimen Yes
    Accent Yes
     Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    Stout tree fern which can reach up to 6 m tall, though over a very long time, found in lowland and lower mountain forest. Distinguished by its thick fibrous, soft trunk. Fronds grow 1-2m in length forming dense crown. Dead fronds leave a tidy skirt beneath crown. While slower growing It does well in average garden conditions. This variety is suited to a sunny position or light shade.
    Height x Width 6 x 3
    Height Range Medium 5-10m
    Growth Rate Slow
    Plant Type Palm
    Shape / Habit Palm
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Cyathea medularis, Cyathea dealbata, Dicksonia squarrosa.
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Nil
    • Uses
    Specimen Yes
    Accent Yes
     Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    Wheki or Brown Ponga is a hardy NZ native tree fern. It grows a tall, slender, brown trunk to approx 6m. Fronds can reach 1.5 to 3m in length which give it the appearance of a small “umbrella” on top of the trunk. It is the most popular New Zealand tree fern which is easy to grow and maintain. Hardiness and smaller dimensions make it an excellent garden variety.
    Height x Width 6 x 3
    Height Range Medium 5-10m
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Plant Type Palm
    Shape / Habit Palm
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Cyathea medularis, Cyathea dealbata, Dicksonia fibrosa.
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Nil
    • Uses
    Specimen Yes
    Accent Yes
     Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    A small rounded shrub with fresh lime green foliage and small, heavily scented cream flowers streaked with purple. Sun to shade. The shrub assumes a looser more open form when grown in shade. Individuals grown in sunny situations tend to be more compact with denser foliage that is lighter and more yellow green. Prefers humus rich, well drained, slightly acidic soil. An excellent small hedge or stand alone specimen. Native to Western China.
    Height x Width 3 x 2.5
    Range Small 1-5m
    Growth Rate Slow
    Plant Type Shrub
    Shape Round
    Country of Origin Western China
    Similar to Consider Syzygium resilience, Camellias, Pittosporums, Corokia, Griselinia, Ficus, Ilex largo, Olea El Greco, Eugenia Ventinatii
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Cream and Purple
    Fragrant? Yes
    • Uses
    Hedging Yes
      Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    From Kermadec Is. group this Nikau has broader fronds with each leaflet slightly spaced apart. It is also more tolerant to exposed conditions than the NZ Nikau. After some years a trunk forms which is scarred with rings from old fallen leaves. Prefers a shady position when young but will tolerate full sun, wind and coastal conditions. Prefers a cool root run. An excellent garden specimen or potted plant. Slow growing.
    Height x Width 10
    Height Range Medium 5-10m
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Plant Type Palm
    Shape Palm
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Sapida, Pittii
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Dark Green
    • Flower
    Flower Colour White, very small
    Fragrant? No
    • Uses
    Specimen Yes
    Accent Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
     Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    Nikau from the Southern Chatham Islands. They differ from the mainland species with longer fronds, wider leaflets, a silvery hue to them stems and larger fruit. Will tolerate full sun, high wind, cold and coastal conditions. Generally, a much tidier variety.
    Height x Width 10
    Height Range Medium 5-10m
    Growth Rate Slow
    Plant Type Palm
    Shape Palm
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Sapida, Cheesemanii
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Dark Green
    • Flower
    Flower Colour White, very small
    Fragrant? No
    • Uses
    Specimen Yes
    Accent Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
     Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    New Zealand’s only native palm is elegant and graceful with straight slender smooth stems crowned with fan-like rich green leaves up to 3m long. After some years a trunk forms which is scarred with rings from old fallen leaves. Prefers a cool root run. Prefers a shady position when young. At maturity will tolerate full sun, wind and coastal conditions. An excellent garden specimen or potted plant. Slow growing. Over many years can reach 10m.
    Plant Type Palm
    Shape Palm
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Pittii, Cheesemanii
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Dark Green
    • Flower
    Flower Colour White, very small
    Fragrant? No
    • Uses
    Specimen Yes
    Accent Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
     Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
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