Blackbridge Nurseries
    • Description
    The giant of New Zealand Pohutukawa! A large growing spreading tree. Olive green leaves and bright crimson flowers usually from Dec. Colours ranging from scarlet to deep crimson. Will tolerate very tough conditions including salt laden wind, poor soil, dry and full sun.
    Height x Width 15 x 8
    Height Range Tall 10+
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Round
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Other Metrosideros
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Red
    Fragrant? No
    • Uses
    Specimen Yes
    Good Shade Tree? Yes
    Screening / Shelter Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
    Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    A selected cultivar which has a more upright habit. Distinctive darker green leaves. Flowers are striking red.  Will tolerate very tough conditions including salt-laden wind poor soil dry and full sun. Prefers well drained soil. Grows apx. 7 x 5m but easily trimmed.
    Height x Width 7 x 5
    Height Range Medium 5-10m
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Pyramidical
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Other Metrosideros,
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Red
    Fragrant? No
    Tolerates Dry Yes
    • Uses
    Specimen Yes
    Screening / Shelter Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
     Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    Selected smaller growing compact bushy habit with smaller leaves compared to other Pohutukawa. Early flowering-bright orange/red flowers. Will tolerate very tough conditions including salt-laden wind, poor soil, dry and full sun. Excellent for smaller gardens and can easily be trimmed.
    Height x Width 4 x 2
    Height Range Small 1-5m
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Round
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Other Metrosideros
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Red
    Fragrant? No
    • Uses
    Specimen Yes
    Good Shade Tree? Yes
    Screening / Shelter Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
     Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    A natural hybrid Excelsa x Robusta type discovered on Great Barrier Island. Has deep scarlet flowers late spring on dark green foliage. Tidy small tree compact and upright. Can be trimmed to a larger hedge / shelter. Will tolerate very tough conditions including salt-laden wind poor soil dry full sun.
    Height x Width 5 x 3
    Medium 5-10m
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Round
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Other Metrosideros
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Deep scarlet Red
    Fragrant? No
    • Uses
    Specimen Yes
    Good Shade Tree? Yes
    Screening / Shelter Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
    Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    A compact Olive with smaller leaves giving a dense appearance. A consistent small fruiting variety with heavy crops. Has a good oil content and also used for pickling. Being from the Mediterranean olive trees require full sun and will tolerate wind coastal and can also survive extended dry periods. This variety especially good for hedging as it trims well into a dense hedge.
    Height x Width 4 x 2
    Range Small 1-5m
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Conical
    Country of Origin Greece
    Similar to Consider Syzygium resilience, Michelia Figo, Camellias, Pittosporums, Corokia, Griselinia, Ficus, Ilex largo, Eugenia Ventinatii
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Cream very small
    Fragrant? No
    • Uses
    Accent Yes
    Screening Yes
    Hedging Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
    Fruit Producing Yes but small
       Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    Olea europaea means 'European olive' in Latin and is what we commonly call “The Olive”. Normally grow as a small tree or shrub, and are found traditionally in the Mediterranean Basin. The species is cultivated in all the countries of the Mediterranean, as well as in Australia, New Zealand, North and South America and South Africa.  The olive's fruit is grown primarily for oil, eating, or both. The trees is also suitable tree for standardising. Being from the Mediterranean olive trees require full sun and will tolerate wind coastal and can also survive extended dry periods. Grows apx 6 x 3m. Make enquiries as to which varieties we have available now or see our online catalogue.
    Height x Width 6 x 3
    Height Range Medium 5-10m
    Growth Rate Fast
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Round
    Country of Origin Mediterranean
    Similar to Consider Other Olives
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green Olive
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Cream very small
    Fragrant? No
    • Uses
    Good Shade Tree? Yes
    Screening / Shelter Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
    Fruit Producing Yes
      Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    Hardy coastal large shrub or small tree. Leathery dark green leaves felted underneath. Flowers dark crimson to purple. Prefers full sun in free draining soil but will also tolerate dry soil once established. Easily trims to make a very good hedge or can be allowed to grow to a hardy screen.  Windy conditions and coastal exposure OK.
    Height x Width 6 x 4
    Range Medium 5-10m
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Round
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Syzygium resilience, Michelia Figo, Camellias, Corokia, Griselinia, Ficus, Ilex largo, Olea El Greco, Eugenia Ventinatii
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Purple
    Fragrant? No
    • Uses
    Screening / Shelter Yes
    Hedging Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
    Fruit Producing No
       Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    Hardy slow growing form with dull bronzy green stiff narrow leaves to 25mm with a sharp point. Stout trunk with rough reddish-brown bark. Once established will withstand drought. Excellent specimen tree or can be used for screening or trimmed into hedging.
    Height x Width 15 x 8
    Height Range Tall 10m+
    Growth Rate Slow
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Round
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Matapouri Blue, Green Form
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Brown Green
    • Flower
    Flower Insignificant
    • Uses
    Specimen Yes
    Accent Yes
    Screening / Shelter Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
      Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    Hybrid totara with deep green foliage. Resembles the more mature Totara even as a young tree.  Strong and sturdy even from a young age. Its slow growth makes it easy to manage in any sized garden. Excellent as a stand-alone tree or for hedging with its similar look to Yew.
    Height x Width 7 x 5
    Height Range Medium 5-10m
    Growth Rate Slow
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Conical
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Totara, Matapouri blue, Totara Black Bridge
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    Deciduous Leaf Colour
    • Flower
    Flower Insignificant
    • Uses
    Accent Yes
    Screening Yes
    Hedging Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
      Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    A brilliant compact selection of our native totara with small blue-grey foliage. Has a more upright pyramidical habit. Its slow growth makes it easy to manage in any sized garden. Excellent as a specimen tree or planted as a hedge.
    Height x Width 7 x 5
    Height Range Medium 5-10m
    Growth Rate Slow
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Conical
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Podocarpus Totara and Black Bridge. Podocarpus gracilis
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Glaucus Blue
    • Flower
    Flower Insignificant
    • Uses
    Specimen Yes
    Accent Yes
    Screening / Shelter Yes
    Hedging Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
     Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    A fast growing, narrowly columnar deciduous tree. Bright yellow autumn colour is stunning. Replaces the old rust susceptible Lombardy poplar. Excellent shelterbelt, screen or erosion control tree.
    Height x Width 20 x 3
    Height Range Tall 10+
    Growth Rate Fast
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Narrow
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Betula var.  Cupressus totem, Liriodendron tulipifera fastigiata, Olea El Greco, Knightia Excelsa, Acer Bowall, Poplar crow’s nest, Quercus robur fastigiata, Carpinus betulus fastigiata, Olea El Greco,
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    Deciduous Leaf Colour Yellow
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Insignificant
    • Uses
    Screening / Shelter Yes
      Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    Unusual and distinct cultivar. Compact neat and bushy habit. Glossy fresh green leaves with lighter ribs. Can be used as a low broad hedge or as a specimen shrub, screen, or tub plant. A good wind shelter for more delicate plants in mixed shrub beds.
    Height x Width 3 x 2
    Height Range Small 1-5m
    Growth Rate Slow
    Plant Type Shrub
    Shape Round
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Pseudopanax Lessonii, P. Laetus, Griselinia Broadway Mint, Griselinia Lucida, Planchonella costata, Ilex Largo
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Very small
    Fragrant? No
    • Uses
    Screening Yes
    Hedging Yes
       Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    Similar in form to P. crassifolium. Pale grey brown leaves have distinctive saw-like hooked teeth in juvenile stage. Does not like wet but will tolerate quite dry open windy areas. Evergreen. Endemic to NZ
    Height x Width 5 x 1
    Height Range Small 1-5m
    Growth Rate Slow
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Upright
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Pseudopanax crassifolium, Pseudopanax sabre
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Brown
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Insignificant
    • Uses
    Accent Yes
      Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    A fast growing much-branched, rich deep green foliaged shrub, with three or five thick, leathery leaflets to each stem. Windy sites Ok. Good for coastal planting. Trims well for a hedgerow or wind break. Does not like wet feet. NZ Native. ALSO: Pseudopanax Lessonii Purpurea with Black Purple leaves
    Height x Width 4 x 2.5
    Height Range Small 1-5m
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Plant Type Shrub
    Shape Round
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider P. Cyril Watson, P. Laetus, Griselinia Broadway Mint, Griselinia Lucida, Planchonella costata, Ilex Largo
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    • Flower
    Flower Insignificant
    • Uses
    Screening / Shelter Yes
    Hedging Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
      Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    Pyramidal growing tree with glossy green leaves over summer turning striking red in autumn. Profusion of white flowers in early spring. A more upright habit. Tolerant of poor drainage.   Apx 7 x 4m ALSO AVAILABLE:  Bradford is similar.   Kea is a smaller grower
    Height x Width 7 x 4
    Height Range Medium 5-10m
    Growth Rate Fast
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Round
    Country of Origin China
    Similar to Consider Liquidambars, Acer rubrum types, Quercus coccinea or rubra, Amelanchier Canadensis, Nyssa Sylvatica
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    Deciduous Leaf Colour Red
    • Flower
    Flower Colour White
    Fragrant? No
    • Uses
    Specimen Yes
    Good Shade Tree? Yes
    Accent Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
    Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    Brilliant autumn colours. Forms a stately specimen with wide spreading crown and high light and open branching pattern. Bark has a reddish brown look in winter. Deciduous.
    Height x Width 15 x 7
    Range Tall 10+
    Growth Rate Fast
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Conical
    Country of Origin North America
    Similar to Consider Liquidambars, Acer rubrum types, Quercus rubra, Pyrus spp. Amelanchier Canadensis, Nyssa Sylvatica
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    Deciduous Leaf Colour Red
    • Flower
    Flower  Insignificant
    • Uses
    Specimen Yes
    Good Shade Tree? Yes
    Accent Yes
    Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    Lower branches tend to droop almost to the ground. Brownish grey bark and glossy green leaves turn brilliant scarlet yellow red bronze in autumn. Good specimen tree with a pyramidal growth habit. Or keep the top trimmed out to create an umbrella shade tree. Will tolerate moist to wet acidic soil conditions.
    Height x Width 8 x 6
    Height Range Medium 5-10m
    Growth Rate Fast
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Pyramidical
    Country of Origin North America
    Similar to Consider Liquidambars, Acer rubrum types, Quercus coccinea or rubra, Pyrus spp. Amelanchier Canadensis, Nyssa Sylvatica
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    Deciduous Leaf Colour Red, Orange
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Insignificant
    • Uses
    Specimen Yes
    Good Shade Tree? Yes
    Accent Yes
    Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    A large, long-lived deciduous tree which develops a broad head of rugged branches when growing in the open. Heavy acorn production in late summer-early autumn. Short, attractive fissured bark. Valuable timber tree of which the heartwood is much in demand for interior and furniture work. It is native to most of Europe
    Height 15 x 9
    Range Tall 10+
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Round
    Country of Origin Europe
    Similar to Consider Q Coccinea, Q Robur fastigiata, Platanus acerifolia
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    Deciduous Leaf Colour Yellow and Golden
    • Flower
    Flower Colour Insignificant
    • Uses
    Specimen Yes
    Good Shade Tree? Yes
    Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    Narrow and erect form of the English Oak. Becomes more pyramidal as the tree matures. Excellent for street and narrow planting areas. Tolerates clay soils. Hardy
    Height Width 8 x 3
    Range Medium 5-10m
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Plant Type Tree
    Shape Narrow
    Country of Origin Europe
    Similar to Consider Betula var.  Cupressus totem, Liriodendron tulipifera fastigiata, Olea El Greco, Knightia Excelsa, Acer Bowall, Poplar crow’s nest, Carpinus betulus fastigiata
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Green
    Deciduous Leaf Colour Golden
    • Flower
    Flower Insignificant
    • Uses
    Specimen Yes
    Accent Yes
    Screening / Shelter Yes
    Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
    • Description
    Nikau from the Southern Chatham Islands. They differ from the mainland species with longer fronds, wider leaflets, a silvery hue to them stems and larger fruit. Will tolerate full sun, high wind, cold and coastal conditions. Generally, a much tidier variety.
    Height x Width 10
    Height Range Medium 5-10m
    Growth Rate Slow
    Plant Type Palm
    Shape Palm
    Country of Origin New Zealand
    Similar to Consider Sapida, Cheesemanii
    • Leaf
    Leaf Colour Dark Green
    • Flower
    Flower Colour White, very small
    Fragrant? No
    • Uses
    Specimen Yes
    Accent Yes
    Bird Feeding Yes
     Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.
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